Trendy hammam towels: 2023 color trends and Stylish color combinations
What are the trend colors in 2023? 1. Trend color yellow (Pantone 14-0756 Empire Yellow & Pantone 12-0643...
Read morethrough excellent craftsmanship with decades of tradition.
Perfect gift, 100% plastic free
within Germany
Each product contains a piece of Tunisian textile art. The foutas are made in the family-run manufactories of our Tunisian partners according to decades of experience and are considered a symbol of local craftsmanship.
With their splendid colors, they adorn the local bazaars and beaches along the Mediterranean coast.
Our beach towel truly stands out when compared to a traditional terry towel. It excels in absorbing moisture rapidly while being remarkably lightweight and compact.
The 100% cotton hammam towel can be easily rolled up and takes up hardly any space in your vacation luggage or beach bag.
It is also quick-drying, making it a great choice for indoor or outdoor use.
What are the trend colors in 2023? 1. Trend color yellow (Pantone 14-0756 Empire Yellow & Pantone 12-0643...
Read moreIn this article, we'll present you with a variety of materials, their quality characteristics, and the pros and cons to help you find the perfect b...
Read moreBecause we love our environment as much as we love our handicrafts, we will send you our plastic-free packaged hammam towels.
Every year, Eight million tons of plastic end up in the world's oceans. As a result, millions of seabirds use it and hundreds of species of marine life are threatened. Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues today.
As part of our sustainable production strategy - "GO GREEN SOLTAKO" - we have decided to take a leadership role and use only plastic-free alternatives. Therefore, our packaging is already made of 100% recyclable paper.
The fouta originated in Tunisia and was used by men and women as a bath towel in the hammam. It was common to attach it to the loin when going to the hammam. Today, the Tunisian fouta is very popular in Europe and all over the world.
It can be found on beaches, in swimming pools, in saunas, and even indoors. The fouta can also be used as a sofa cover, bedspread, blanket, and much more.
A hammam towel is an indispensable accessory of the hammam. In the past, it was a statement piece. The richness of the colors and the composition of the fabric could determine the social status of the wearer. At that time, fashion trends were set by the careful weaving of bath towels.
The East honors its traditions, so an extra-large sauna towel made of skin-friendly and resistant cotton is still an indispensable accessory for the hammam. However, the demand for a hammam towel has long gone beyond the Orient, and the cotton towel has become popular in almost every country in the world.
The fouta towel differs significantly from the terry towels. The modern hammam towel has a different fabric structure compared to the classic bath towel. Fouta hammam towel is much thinner and lighter than ordinary terry towels. It is fast absorbent and quick-drying, making it comfortable to wear.
At SOLTAKO you can find the best quality hammam towels in various colors.